The 21st XBRL Europe Day took place in Warsaw on 30th May 2018.
Presentations are available hereby after.
ESMA – The draft RTS and the next steps
Anna Sciortino, Senior Policy Officer – Corporate Reporting Team – ESMA
IASB update in the context of ESEF
Rita Clijmans – IFRS foundation
Assurance in the RTS and iXBRL context
Jon Rowden – PwC Premium member of XBRL Europe
News from XBRL International and of its Best Practice Board
John Turner CEO XBRL International and Maria Mora, Chair of XBRL International BPB – Fujitsu Silver member of XBRL Europe
Communication on the RTS in Europe – the XBRL Europe Working Group
Bruno Tesnière – Chair XBRL Europe
An overview on the ECB evolutions (European Reporting Framework and BIRD – BANKS INTEGRATED REPORTING DICTIONARY update)
Julia Catz – European Central Bank
Common concepts in dictionaries: XBRL as a highest uncommon denominator between standards
Amyce Aurora-Smith – XBRL UK – CoreFiling
Update from the WG SBR
Frans Hietbrink Chair – XBRL Europe SBR Working group
The ESEF implications on the SBR programs in Europe
Frans Hietbrink Chair – XBRL Europe SBR Working group
Linking up data with SBR in Finland
Elina Koskentalo – XBRL Finland
“XBRL GL in the Nordics” pilot in Finland: auditing and tax auditing Estonia: payroll reporting and other applications -Nordic SmartGovernment
Elina Koskentalo – XBRL Finland
SBR in the NL update
Paul Snijders Chair – Vice Chair XBRL Europe – Semansys
Why Corporate Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) and XBRL is important for Business
Liv Watson – Workiva silver member of XBRL Europe
EU Non Financial Directive in Spain: How to utilise technology to increase the impact on decisions?
Maria Mora Fujitsu Silver member of XBRL Europe and Chair of the Best Practise Board at XBRL International
News from Asia
Yoshiaki Wada – XBRL Japan